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Partners of Photo Tours Norway.

MrJan Gear


The producer of high quality photo backpacks and floating hides. These extremely comfortable backpacks are fully customizable to the equipment you need to bring along. They provide the maximal protection of your gear. These are the perfect backpack for the photographer who travels a lot and needs to bring a lot of gear along. 



The store with one of Norways largest collections of high quality outdoor equipment. Camping gear, clothing, fishing gear and other outdoor equipment from a large variaty of brands can be quickly ordered from their website. 

Osensjøens Adventure


For accommodation, outdoor activities and dining possibilities, please visit their website. 

Rena Fiskecamp


For accommodation, guided fishing tours, fly-fishing workshops, fly-fishing equipment and kajak rent, please visit their website.

Adventure Food


For the best selection of high quality expedition food. It is extremely tasty too!



For a great selection of some of the finest outdoor equipment on the market. Take a look at the extremely clever balanced photo backpacks they have to offer. These make traveling with heavy gear so much lighter!

Lowland Photo service


Voor alle natuur en wildlife fotografie accessoires. Van statiefschroeven tot hele drijfhutten, je vindt het hier allemaal.



Take a look at the amazing photographs made by Phil Garcia or join him on a guided photo tour in Iceland. He knows the best places! (website is in French)

Innovasjon Norge


Your Norwegian Nature is made possible by Innovasjon Norge.

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